Sunday, May 30, 2010

5/30 Half Price 5555 North Lamar

Ok... so hopefully this will be my last post in a while. This blog has made me realize that I spend way too much money on records. But then I laugh and ask myself what else I'm going to spend it on... So EVERYBODY IS A FOOL! but I'm the biggest fool of them all so it's ok.

Anyways... This store has a ton of good stuff. I think they are a little pricey though. I mean is Whip Smart on record really worth 20 bucks? Is Rain Dogs really worth 25? Anyways... they were have a 20% off sale so I don't feel so bad.


Magical Mystery Tour -- 12 (with sale)
Between The Buttons by The Rolling Stones -- 7

Once again, there is nothing to say about the beatles.

This stones record looks pretty good. Although I find it hilarious that the drawing on the back references a song that was not on either release of the album (Have you seen your mother), if only to be released on flowers.

Well.... see you in two weeks, hopefully!

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