Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reviews and stuff

Let's start off with the easiest one, Goat's Head Soup. I like it enough to buy a better copy... bam done.

Help!, and yes the American one. Let's see how pissed off I am by it's butchering (ha ha...) Well "I've Just Seen A Face" isn't here. Am I pissed off? Not really, Rubber Soul really benefits from it's inclusion. I don't really care for Ringo so "Act Naturally" isn't a big loss either. "It's Only Love" is also on Rubber Soul so eh... I don't care for old school r&b covers so "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" isn't bad either. It does hit me in the gut to know that "Yesterday" was taken away as well as "You Like Me Too Much" (another harrison joint but I am partial). However, I don't mind the Indian interludes so it's all good.

Stevie Wonder's Talking Book is great. It's just a classic motown record. That's pretty much all there is to say about it.

Hunky Dory by David Bowie's pretty bitching too. It's usually compared to The Man That Sold the World (because Hunky Dory is not heavy metal) and Space Oddity (because it's similar). But it's great. It's got classic bowie moments and it seems he's trying to taking on music hall and velvet underground stuff.

Ok well those are four yo.

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